Friday, January 22, 2021

To a never Trumper, part 2

The Republican Party was corrupt long before it took Trump as its leader. Think of Bush II, lying us into a war. Think of Bush I, pardoning the Iran-contra traitors, Reagan with his bellicosity and racism, Nixon, Kissinger. The country was already on the road to fascism when Trump started his campaign. It had been on that road for 35 years. Some of us have been in the trenches for 40 years. I joined after the election of 2000, when I dimly foresaw these times.

How about some respect for your colleagues on the left, who warned you and have been fighting all these long weary years? — Tweet

1 comment:

  1. As an outsider looking in, I did not catch any of this until Obama was elected. I have learned an incredible amount in the past four years and see the same tendencies creeping into Canadian politics. Our Conservative Parties are attracting the same people as the Republicans for the same reasons. So far they represent 16% to 32% depending on the province but I can see the numbers growing.
