Friday, January 22, 2021

Donald Trump isn’t done with us

“Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it.” – Donald Trump, Mother Jones, 2016
Trump is already plotting his revenge. To the end of his life, he’s going to try to strike back at the people who shook his narcissistic grandiosity and he has a fair amount of ability to do so. So long as he is alive, he should be watched. We may even need to watch his children. At least, the FBI ought to be paying attention to him for the rest of his life. He should be forbidden from holding public office, so as to keep him from running in 2024, but that’s not going to be enough.

I wonder if Joe Biden or Kamala Harris realize. I think Dr Bandy X Lee does.

I wonder if he hates the Democratic Party, the Republican leadership, or the voters of the United States the most.


  1. I read an article in the WaPo or Daily Beast about Trump plotting his revenge. He can primary his GOP opponents and split the party with his proposed Patriot Party. Not sure how effective he will be against the Democrats if they do not shoot themselves in the foot as usual.
    I am sure that Congress will not allow him to run again. Even Hawley and Cruz would like that as it clears the way for them.
