Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Out of the Nightmare: War, Biden, and Christian Fanaticism

(I wrote these down in the middle of the night after waking up out of a nightmare.)

  1. Has there ever before been a war like the Likud-Hamas war, in which the goal of each side is the annihilation of the other? Not only wealth, not only territory: annihilation.

  2. The failings of the Biden administration are the failings of the broad American center writ large. To the extent that people hate those failings, they hate President Biden; it is in the end self-hatred.

  3. The goal of radical premillenialist Christian political activism is to bring about the intervention of god and the second coming. It is a kind of invocation – to call up Jesus Christ – and binding – to get him to act as the premillenialists desire. In the terms of Christian theology this is both blasphemous and evil – black magic. God cannot be bound by man; the belief that he can be is blasphemy. Any attempt to do so is itself rooted in the sin of spiritual pride. Nor can any binding spell, save in very limited circumstances, be white magic.

1 comment:

  1. On point number three, these people are the ones pushing the war in Israel. Jews and Muslims are collateral damage if they can bring about Armageddon and the second coming. Very frightening theology and you are certainly correct in that it really is blasphemy to think they can summon Jesus who will do their bidding and destroy everyone they hate.
