Monday, May 9, 2022

The Next Move in the Second Civil War

A while back, in the context of discussing our current situation as a second civil war, I wrote “It is not yet clear to me what the next move of our would-be traitors will be. Perhaps a campaign of domestic terror on the lines of the first Klan?”

It now appears to me that the overturning of Roe, and the consequent passage of numerous misogynistic state laws will be the third move. Liberal states are already preparing responses. State laws are coming into conflict, which are going to have to be litigated in federal courts.  I am not hopeful the Roberts Court will decide the cases in any positive way.

1 comment:

  1. Owning the courts was a surefire win for the Far Right White Supremacist Terrorists. And over turning Row is just the beginning of the march to Gilead
