Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Rebellious COVID Thoughts

Governors Abbott, DeSantis, and a few others are committing democide – murder by government – with their policies which spread COVID-19. It makes no sense, but there it is.

Can the Federal government do nothing? State governments have in history acted against their citizens: Jim Crow and the suppression of organized labor are the obvious examples, but never before have state governments acted against the life and health of their supporters. The US system, as a result of its heritage of slavery and racism, limits the actions the Federal government can take against the state governments, but over the two and a half centuries since the founding of the United States, Federal laws intended to check the worst abuses of the states have been passed, though often subverted by a reactionary judiciary.

I think in Pres. Biden's shoes I’d have the Justice Department to work up charges against Abbott and DeSantis that would stand up in court – after so many infections and deaths there ought to be something, some law under which they could be prosecuted. It just might work.


  1. There is so much wrong in America right now and I fail to understand why no one is doing anything. The so called moderate Democrats are quite happy with the status quo and I suspect dont really care if the white Republicans win in 2022, 2024 and forever after.

  2. Yellowdoggranny, I really appreciate your attitude – you want to win. The time for cautious maneuvering is over.

    There are Democrats doing things, but they are blocked by a few Democratic Senators. (I keep thinking about writing a long piece on Congressional deadlock, but I have not so far started.) And everything is moving so slowly! Given enough time, I believe that Merrick Garland would work his way to the top of the January 6 insurrection, but I am not convinced he will have the time. We are in a time very much like the time between the secession of the South and the assault on Fort Sumter - everyone is waiting for something to break.
