Sunday, January 3, 2021

Trump's Revenge Fantasies

“One of the things you should do in terms of success: If somebody hits you, you’ve got to hit ’em back five times harder than they ever thought possible. You’ve got to get even. […] You have to hit back.”  – Donald J. Trump, from “Donald Trump Is Completely Obsessed With Revenge,” David Corn, Mother Jones, October 19, 2016.

So Donald Trump, having pardoned his associates, is now planning to give the Presidential Medal of Honor to other criminals. He is trashing as much as he can before he is out of office and it's not going to stop after he is out of office.  I do not put assassination plots or actual insurrection beyond him.

Ideally, the Department of Justice and the FBI would monitor him after he leaves office, but I wonder if they will. Nixon got away with treason. Reagan probably did. W. Bush started a war based on lies, and that wasn't enough. There are 350,000 people dead because of Trump's inaction and that doesn't seem to be enough.

Still, unlike Nixon, Reagan, and W. Bush, Trump is likely to be a threat after he leaves office, and I want to see him watched.


  1. I'm with Jackiesue. In prison, no social media. But another Hitler may arise from this beer hall putsch so we can take nothing for granted from now on.
