Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Con is Unraveling

So today, we have Senator Hawley (R-Stone Age) claiming that the major Russian attack on the US government is a hoax. And, at the same time, it is now revealed that the Trump administration made a policy of spreading COVID-19.

What these things have in common is that they come out after Trump is losing power. Before then, not enough people were brave enough to talk.

The con is unraveling, and all that will be left are several hundred thousand dead, and millions grieving.


  1. I don't think we have even begun to learn what all Trump and his enablers have done/are doing. I see today he defended Russia about the hacking. Did you ever wonder about the fact the states he lost used a different electronic voting machine than the states he won?

  2. True.

    I do wonder about the voting machines, though the voting machine talk seems to be more crankery than well grounded.
