Sunday, January 5, 2020

Further Notes On The Assassination Of Qassem Suleimani

  1. Soleimani was more of a general than a terrorist. He was a hero to many Iranians. He is now a martyr.
  2. Many Americans writing about this war assume that Iran can do no harm to the United States. In this they are wrong.
  3. Many Americans are believe that this war will end at the discretion of the United States. This is false.
  4. The next US President will inherit a war. Any domestic policy agenda will be subordinated to the need to, at least, defend the USA.
World War I started because a tiny faction of the German leadership wanted a war. (See, for instance, David Fromkin's account in Europe’s Last Summer.) The German leadership most likely believed that their war would lead to a rapid victory over France, similar to that in the Franco-Prussian war. As Josh Marshall comments (paywall), “The one lesson that shines through most vividly from these events a century ago is the immense danger caused when one power believes it is running out of time to secure the advantages it believes it can secure only or most easily through war.” US hawks are now in that position, trying to consolidate foreign policy gains made during the Trump administration.


  1. US hawks are now in that position, trying to consolidate foreign policy gains made during the Trump administration.

    And those are? Most have been huge losses.

  2. They're hoping to invade Iran. You would think after all the ignominious losses that invasions over the past 70 years have brought they would have given up but, no.
