Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh – Call your Senators

It is important to take a stand now, even if we do not win.

If your Senator is part of the Senate Democratic Leadership – Schumer, Durbin, Murray, Stabenow, Warren, Warner, Klobuchar, Sanders, Manchin, Baldwin, van Hollen, thank them for their opposition (or not, as appropriate – Manchin), encourage them to vote against Kavanaugh, and to whip the Senate Democrats to vote against Kavanaugh.

If your Senator is a Democrat not in the Leadership, thank them for their opposition (or not, as appropriate) and encourage them to vote against Kavanaugh.

If your Senator is a Republican, urge them to vote against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Remind them that half of their constituents are women. If you can, and feel it is appropriate, give a personal story explaining why the confirmation of Kavanaugh would be an outrage.

Take a stand.

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