Tuesday, October 24, 2017

On Senator Flake's Decision Not to Seek Reelection

I feel Flake's announcement that he will not run again (all the while voting for the same garbage he has always voted for) is the act of a coward. If the Republican Party has turned into a disaster it is partly his work and if he wants to atone for it, the best thing he could do is stay in the Senate and fight. He is one of a very small number of truly powerful Republicans (there are only 100 Senators, after all) and, if he chose to use his power to heal the harm he spoke so eloquently of, he could make a difference.

When the histories are written, I do not think the likes of Flake will fare well.


  1. Made a good speech and then voted to abolish consumer protection against banks and credit card companies. Kind of wrecked the impact of his speech
