And this report:Leader of CA Senate accusing ICE/Trump admin of blatantly lying about the nature and scope of immigration raids. This will get ugly - FAST.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) February 11, 2017
And this report:This is code for, if you're Latino and you don't have your ID on you that second, they snatch you
— Mazel Tov Cocktail (@AdamSerwer) February 11, 2017
A 19-year-old Muslim university student on a valid Canadian passport traveling to a track meet. Denied entry after 5 hrs questioning.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) February 11, 2017
There is a report that more "terrorists" are entering USA from Canada than from Mexico. This boy was refused entry because on his phone he had a picture of himself and two other boys, one of which was suspected of having gone to fight with ISIS in Syria. Guilt by association. They also refused a Muslim woman, a Canadian cisitzen with a Canadian passport, who had videos on her phone of people praying for her child who was sick. This was deemed Anti-American. The list goes on. Immigration and Border Control have always been bullies by nature and now they have licence.