Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Morning After the Coup

And when they come for you, who will you call for aid, when all voices have been silenced?

“The Department of Homeland Security says a New York court order temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump’s travel ban will not affect the overall implementation of the White House executive action.” — CBS News

“Senior Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway said in an interview Sunday morning that a federal judge's ruling ‘really doesn't affect’ the President's executive order banning refugees and immigrants from certain countries from entering the United States.” — TPM

“White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said in an interview Sunday that the response to President Donald Trump's signing of an executive order banning refugees and immigrants from certain countries from entering the U.S. ‘wasn't chaos’ and that he would ‘apologize for nothing.’” — TPM

“President Trump's executive order reorganizing the National Security Council removed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Director of National Intelligence as regular members of the principals committee and added former Breitbart News Executive Chairman and now Presidential Counselor Steve Bannon.” — TPM

“For political and moral reasons, it is important to remember that very little of what the President is now doing is possible without a compliant Congress.” — TPM

To sum up: the White House and the Department of Homeland Security are refusing to comply with a court order. The white nationalist Steven Bannon has been elevated to the National Security Council and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Director of National Intelligence have been removed.

It’s a coup.


  1. You are right. It is not the first time that republicans have ignored court orders but the first time that the presidents office said they didn't apply to him. The American system of checks and balances is done like dinner

  2. I think Nixon did that, actually. But that's not reassuring; we are in a bad way. I am hopeful, however, that many federal marshals will take their oath to faithfully carry out their duties seriously and support the courts over the crazy President.
