Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Links! Donate! Volunteer! Vote! The Senate is Balanced on a Knife Edge!

My favorite elections analysis site, Sam Wang's Princeton Electoral Consortium, informs us that the Senate is balanced on a knife edge. Five races, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, and Louisiana are most likely to tip the balance now, and possibly Georgia and North Carolina. So get out there. If you have money, donate. If you live in one of those states, volunteer. It's time, unless you really want to find out how much more damage the Republicans can do to the USA.

Alaska - Mark Begich

Arkansas - Mark Pryor

Colorado - Mark Udall

Georgia - Michelle Nunn


Iowa - Bruce Braley

Louisiana - Mary Landrieu

North Carolina - Kay Hagan

Act Blue provides fund-raising services to Democratic campaigns

  They need money, too

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