Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Killing Field on the Arizona Border

Me, five years ago:
Oh, you hominids could make the border into a killing field, make a feast for us corvids. That would stop them from coming, probably.
Todd Miller, now,
When you look at a map that shows where such bodies are recovered in southern Arizona -- journalist Margaret Regan has termed it a “killing field” — there is a thick red cluster of dots over the Tohono O’odham reservation. This area has the highest concentration of the more than 2,300 remains recovered in Arizona alone — approximately 6,000 have been found along the whole border -- since the Border Patrol began ramping up its “prevention by deterrence policy” in the 1990s. And as Kat Rodriguez of the Colibri Center for Human Rights points out, these numbers are at the low end of actual border deaths, due to the numbers of remains found that have been there for weeks, months, or even years.
Me again, five years ago:
The people who ran Abu Ghraib and run Gitmo, they'd be happy to do it for you. And then they'd do it to you.
When your policies, be their goals ever so noble, lead to monstrosities, it is time to change them.

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