Thursday, July 18, 2013


A basic principle: the stalker does not get to claim they killed their victim in self-defense, even if the victim turns and fights. All Zimmerman had to do to avoid personal risk was go home.

Martin ran away from Zimmerman, who pursued in his automobile. By the account of Martin's girlfriend, who Martin called, he then stopped, breathing heavily. There was a bump and cell phone noise. Martin's girlfriend screamed. Then the phone was disconnected.

  1. Frederick Leatherman's law blog.
  2. Coverage of the case at Mother Jones.
  3. Ta-Nehisi Coates, arguing that the conclusion is in accord with Florida law.
  4. Trayvon Martin short biography (NPR), longer biography (Miami Herald)
  5. George Zimmerman short biography, longer biography (Sunshine State News.)
  6. The Onion: Nation Throws Hands Up, Tells Black Teenagers To Do Their Best Out There
I do not see a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman committed “the unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice," which is to say manslaughter under Florida law.

There is one ray of hope here: this is news. 50 years ago, this case would have sunk without a trace.

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